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FAQs about the 2017 CAFMS Road Trip

Wait, what is this?

Think of it like an extended field trip or a workshop on wheels. We'll all meet up, get on the bus and travel to our sites over 3 days. It's a chance to network, learn from experts, and take lessons learned from the 2016 wildfire season.

How do I get on the bus?
The first step is to register to secure your spot. Go to our registration page and fill out your info. Then, you'll need to make your hotel arrangements. The last step is to show up and learn!
How do we meet up to get on the bus?

We'll all meet at the first location. We have a secure space for you to park your vehicle. From there we'll board the bus and travel together for the next 3 days.  

How big is this bus?

It's a typical tour bus. We have enough room for about 30 people. We'll also have a chase vehicle for emergencies.

This sounds awesome! How much is it going to cost me?

It is awesome and IT'S FREE. There is no cost for registration. You do have to pay for your own hotel and breakfast/dinnner (lunch is provided). 

It's really free?


Where will we sleep?

We will stop each night near the field trip stops. You will have to make hotel arrangements for yourself for each location. We have special block pricing for each location as long as you make your arrangements by May 22nd.

How do I make hotel arrangements?

You can find all of the hotel information here.

Can I bring a friend?

Please invite whoever you would like! As long as they register, we will have space for them. 

Who can I talk to if I have other questions?

Email our Public Info Coordinator, Jen Bunty:

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